1. www.beseku.com
The web blog of one Ben Sekulowicz-Barclay. Amazingly simple, very text oriented. I haven't seen font this sexy since Angelina Jolie's back tattoo.
I'm a big fan of white space, which this site has none. No white-space that is. I like sites that can pull of minimalism using a dark background. And the font on this site is amazingly eye catching.
This site is one of my favorites. You can learn a lot of css tricks in this sexy little source code.
This site is by far the most interesting. Jon Tan is not only a great designer, but also a damn fine writer. He's a funny guy.
Mark Boulton knows the power of less.
Mmmm, tasty smooth scroll. Another fine display of a dark background.
Nice use of the "you're looking at this on a T.V. set in 1965, so everything is black, white or grey" look.
Yea so these guys are pretty established. Their site makes me weep. But, I'm actually not a big fan of flash sites. Mine used to be all flash and it was just way too hard to manage. Plus they're usually lacking in SEO. But, that's beside the point, this site is just sweet.
This is a sweet use of the carousel. How the hell they did it, I have no idea, I'm still an apprentice.
This site is great. Another very text oriented site, and it's a good read.
Plus 1. www.zachwoomer.com
The guy that made this site, what a stud. After tirelessly begging my girlfriend to take pity on me and lend me her photography prowess, I came up with what you see. I tried to really focus on my content while showing that I can at least pretend to know what I'm doing.
Well, that's it and that's all. Again, I believe minimalism is the easiest way to get your point across. When what your selling is all the viewer can see, well then you succeeded right there. The only thing left is to have a hook and you're set, a reason for them to keep coming back. That I'll leave up to you. Anyways, take another look, get an eyeful of white....space (get your mind out of the gutter), and take notes. Especially on that last site. ;) Less is more, remember that ladies.
Thankyou so much for the kind words - always appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome. You're site is truly one of my favorites and probably the simplest one in the whole set. It's just so....elegant I guess would be the word. And thank you by the way, for reading my post. As you being a much more esteemed and experienced designer than myself, makes me feel sort of good I guess, to know at least someone is reading this stuff, let alone someone that actually knows what they're doing.