Friday, January 30, 2009

Aqua Fly and the Space Monkey

This is my monkey, I hope you like it. My friend Darryl Davis, or F.5 as he's known in the streets, is coming out with a new album in the spring of this year. He needed an album cover and this is what I came up with after 2 grande java chip frappuccinos and 5 hours in a Barnes and Nobles. But, this actually is inspiring me to want to do a whole series like this (animals in spacesuits, or monkeys in could go in either direction really). We'll see, tune in next time gonzo. Read this post >>

Thursday, January 29, 2009

fin-ish [verb]
1. bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete

So I just got finished redoing my girlfriend Tricia's photography site, with exception of whatever changes she wants, but it's at least functional. I learned quite a bit making this ish and also probably need glasses now from staring at my screen for 6 hours straight (my eyes are bleeding). I learned how to make a fisheye menu, a horizontal scrolling div (even though this one cost money which is some bull), an image switcher, and finally how to preload images using just css, which is the tits (pronounced "teets" like on a cow). You just call the image at the bottom of the code and make a class that has visibility:hidden. It will cache the image on the visitors computer for whenever it's needed later. All in all the whole thing was a bowl of seduction. Go check it out, let your eyes slowly roll over it like a supple woman wrapped in a bearskin rug waiting for you to get home from a long hard days work. Read this post >>

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Step One - Admitting you have a problem.

So, I'm going to try my hand at this whole blog thing. Partly because I'm trying to figure it out so I can help my brother make one who is a far superior writer and would make way better use of this, and also partly because I'm interested. But it all boils down to if you are reading this then you're even more bored than I am. You'd probably get just as much entertainment with a one eyed sock puppet on your Dukes of Hazard. Anyways, I've been a web designer all of about 8 months now. United Bank Card took a chance and hired me right after I got out of school and I've been spewing XHTML out the whazoo ever since. So, hopefully I can figure this blog thing out and hook my brother up. Good luck....self. Read this post >>